Test Iowa Program to End in JulyTest Iowa Program to End in JulyThe free Test Iowa program will have its 17 locations shut down by mid-July as vaccine availability increases and testing demand wanes.Eric StoneEric Stone
Don’t Want Iowa Bars to Close Again? We Need To Do These 3 ThingsDon’t Want Iowa Bars to Close Again? We Need To Do These 3 ThingsHealth, safety and common sense are as important as ever right now.Johnny MarksJohnny Marks
I Was Just Tested For COVID-19 in Cedar RapidsI Was Just Tested For COVID-19 in Cedar RapidsTest Iowa is now allowing anyone to be tested.Mike FerrisMike Ferris
Local Official Calls Test Iowa “Enormous Failure”Local Official Calls Test Iowa “Enormous Failure”Governor's program called $26 million "stunt" Mike FerrisMike Ferris