Iowa Breaks a Record It Hopes to Never Break AgainIowa Breaks a Record It Hopes to Never Break AgainIowa breaks a record for tornadoes in 2024. GabeGabe
Wild Video of Hurricane-Force Winds Pounding Cedar Rapids, IowaWild Video of Hurricane-Force Winds Pounding Cedar Rapids, IowaAn intense storm system has brought severe winds to Iowa as new video shows hurricane-force winds that pounded the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area Monday.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Iowa Tops Nation with the Most Tornadoes Recorded This YearIowa Tops Nation with the Most Tornadoes Recorded This YearIt's been a difficult few weeks for the state of Iowa.Kerri MacKerri Mac
Iowa Attorney General Warns Storm Victims Of Scams And Price GougingIowa Attorney General Warns Storm Victims Of Scams And Price GougingPeople need to get a life.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
After Iowa Shows, Zach Bryan Joins Tornado Cleanup EffortsAfter Iowa Shows, Zach Bryan Joins Tornado Cleanup EffortsZach Bryan and his band were among the volunteers helping with tornado cleanup on Sunday.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Why the End of El Niño Could Mean MORE Tornadoes in IowaWhy the End of El Niño Could Mean MORE Tornadoes in IowaSpring severe weather in Iowa could arrive a bit later this year.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
National Weather Service Issue Led to Delayed Warnings in IowaNational Weather Service Issue Led to Delayed Warnings in IowaEven though the warnings were being issued, Iowans didn't receive them as quickly as they should and normally do.Bob JamesBob James
3 of Those Killed in Horrific Iowa Twisters Were Missouri Family3 of Those Killed in Horrific Iowa Twisters Were Missouri FamilyThe series of Iowa tornadoes that devasted areas near Des Moines over the weekend now has a Missouri connection. 3 of the 7 who lost their life in those storms were from one Missouri family.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
54 Years Ago: Fall F5 Tornado Hits Iowa54 Years Ago: Fall F5 Tornado Hits IowaIt's the only large-scale twister ever to hit the state in October.Elwin HuffmanElwin Huffman