Avenue of the Breeds is a popular Iowa State Fair event. It almost didn't happen this year. But, thanks to some Iowa teens, it's back!

During the Avenue of the Breeds event, people from all over gather to view various breeds of animals found on farms in Iowa. According to KCCI, North Polk FFA currently runs the event, but Terry Jaschke started the Avenue of the Breeds in the late 1970s. The Iowa State Fair thought about shutting it down, but Jaschke's grandkids saved it.
Terry's granddaughter, Lauren Jaschke, was among a group of seniors at North Polk who fought to bring back the event. Not only was the Avenue of the Breeds brought back, but it's even bigger this year too.
The report states that the event, which used to take place in the swine barn, now has its own facility. This allows more room for the animals. Speaking of the animals, you'll see the traditional farm animals such as cows and pigs, but you'll see some unique creatures as well. Like yaks and elks!
If you want to see the critters, just go to the southwest corner of the fairgrounds near the craft beer tent and 4-H building. There you'll find the Avenue of the Breeds facility where you're free to take a look every day of the fair.
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