KDAT Staff Goes Back to School [GALLERY]
Today is the first day of school for many students here in eastern Iowa, which got us feeling a little nostalgic.
Ah, the first day of school. So many memories! As I see all the parents on Facebook getting their kids ready for the first day, I can't help but feel a little jealous. As a kid, I couldn't WAIT until the day that I graduated so I would never have to do homework again, but as an adult, I kind of miss it! Every year was a totally fresh start, and fresh starts are hard to come by as an adult. I just want to put on my new school clothes I've been dying to wear all summer, grab my Disney princess backpack and my new Lisa Frank notebooks, and get to my classroom so I can see who's in my class this year.
One of the big traditions for a lot of families is the first day of school photo. I was always a little annoyed at my mom for making me take one, but as an adult I'm grateful. More proof that my mom was always right when she said, "you'll appreciate it when you're older!" We here at Townsquare Media decided to do a little digging and find some of our own first day of school photos to share with you. Some are cute, and some are a little embarrassing, but we love them, nonetheless!