Tinder Will Soon Let You Get Background Checks on Your Matches
The next time you think you might have matched with a risky person on Tinder, the app will help you figure that out.
I remember when dating apps were first invented. It was a mix between 'how fun,' and 'how scary.'
The scary question morphed to 'how sleazy,' for some people but there's still that element of danger when you're talking to a complete stranger.
Tinder, which is the original dating app, along with the most popular, is now taking matters into their own hands when it comes to the stranger danger concept.
Soon you will be able to get a background check of a potential match.
As long as you have someone's name and number, you should be able to check them out using Garbo, according to MyStateline.com
According to Yahoo, 'New York-based Garbo was founded in 2018 by Kathryn Kosmides, a survivor of gender-based violence who wanted to make it easier for everyone to be able to have the ability to look up critical information about someone's background that could indicate a history of violence.'
No word on when this feature will be available, but it should be this year.