Today is “Blue Monday”
A British psychologist designated January 21 as the "most depressing day of the year" in 2005. Today is known as "Blue Monday". What?!
Optimists cringe when this day arrives, but Dr. Cliff Arnall came up with it because, as he says, a variety of circumstances come together on this day to create "peak terribleness" in your mood.
- The good feelings from the holidays are wearing off
- The weather stinks (fact)
- Your motivation has hit rock bottom
- You remember how much work you have coming in the near future with no significant holidays or vacation time to look forward to
- You've failed at your New Year's Resolution
Stop the presses on that last one as far as I am concerned, because as I always say, it's a New YEAR's Resolution. As in, you have a whole year to achieve it. Pick up and start over. If you don't, it's on you.
Others say this whole "Blue Monday" thing is bogus. What say you?
Either way, I promise things will pick up soon. Once Mother Nature quits being so flaky.