Is Tom Cruise moving to Iowa? It appears the answer is no, unless he's also moving to Tennessee.

According to a story from, during an interview with People Magazine Saturday, Tom Cruise said he is growing "tired of the Hollywood lifestyle." He was out looking at possible film locations when he visited Indianola, Iowa and fell in love with the people and beauty of the area in central Iowa. Apparently, Tom then began to tell people he was going to make the move. Now comes the People interview in which McKenziePost says he told the magazine he wants to "... move to a place that feels so different than what I've been used to all my life. For me, that place is Indianola, Iowa."

Tom Cruise an Iowan. It should be interesting if this does come true. Perhaps someone should warn him about all the people that roll into town for the National Balloon Classic. Still, compared to Hollywood...

[NOTE] There's one BIG problem with this story. The same website also says he's moving to Maryville, Tennessee. So, Iowa will just have to be happy being the home state of Ashton Kutcher and many other successful actors and actresses but not Tom Cruise.

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