"Northanger Abbey" is a theatrical adaptation of Jane Austen's first novel, and the University of Iowa Theater Arts department will be hosting the world premiere this October.

Young Catherine Morland is obsessed with Gothic romance novels. After warily stepping into the social world of Bath, England, she’s invited to stay at the foreboding Northanger Abbey, where she finds much more than she expected. This young woman’s coming of age story is brought to life with wit, music, and dance, and with a vision of our comic world only Jane Austen could create

You can see "Northanger Abbey" at E.C. Mabie Theatre. 200 North Riverside Drive in Iowa CIty, on the University of Iowa campus on the following dates:

  • Friday, October 5, 2018: 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 6, 2018: 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, October 7, 2018: 2 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 11, 2018: 8 p.m.
  • Friday, October 12, 2018: 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 13, 2018: 8 p.m.

Admission is $20 for adults, $15 for seniors 65+, $10 for college students and youth, and $5 for UI students with student ID. Tickets for the show are available onine through the Hancher Box Office.

Call (319)335-1160 or 1-800-HANCHER or the production's Facebook event page for more information and to support local theater in Eastern Iowa.


[Via Hancher, Northanger Abbey Facebook event page]




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