Your Complete Guide to the 70th Annual Dubuque County Fair
The 70th Annual Dubuque County Fair gets underway on Tuesday, July 25th and runs through the 30th. Last year was my first time at the fair, and it was my first time ever attending. I had a blast seeing old and new faces, and hanging with Ken Peiffer at the 103.3 WJOD tent for multiple days in a row.
Every year, the tireless Dubuque County Fairgrounds staff helps put together a jam-packed week of fun events, great food, and of course, musical acts. I've decided to break down the major happenings for each day of the fair. Scroll for the full schedule!
Tuesday, July 25th (Free Day):
The first day of the Dubuque County Fair is "Free Day," thanks to sponsor TH Media. Here is a break down of the day's events:
- 8am: Grounds open
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Horse and Pony Show - Horse Arena
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Horse Sheep Show - Swine Barn
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Horse Dairy Goat - Show Barn
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Horse Dairy Show - Show Barn
- 10am - 8pm: Creative Arts Building/Kids Corner Open
- 10am - 8pm: Country Store Open
- 10am - 8pm: 4-H Building Exhibits Open to the Public
- 11am: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 11am - 7pm: Chain Saw Carvings
- 11am - 8pm: Exhibit Hall Open
- 11am - 8pm: Creative Adventure Lab - Exhibit Building
- 12pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures
- 12:30pm: 4-H/FFA Horse Meat Goat Show - Swine Barn
- 12:30pm 4-H/FFA Horse Dairy Cows - Livestock Arena
- 1 - 5pm: Bingo - Across from the Grandstands
- 2pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 3pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures
- 4pm: North American Midway Rides Open (Any and all rides are only one ticket each with no age limit, $2/ticket)
- 4pm: Dubuque Dance - Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden
- 6pm: Opening Ceremony - Mainstage
- 6:30pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 7pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures
- 7pm: Penny Gilly - Mainstage
- 7:30pm: Johnny Cash Tribute - Mainstage
- 8pm: Ken Peiffer, DJ - Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden
- 8:30pm: Neil Diamond Tribute - Mainstage
Wednesday, July 26th (Kids Day/Race Day):
Wednesday is Kids Day at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds, thanks to sponsor ABC Learning, as well as Race Day:
- 8am: Grounds open
- 8:30am: 4-H/FFA Horse Swine Weigh-in and Carcass scan
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Horse Beef Show - Show Barn + Poultry show - Poultry Barn
- 10am - 8pm: Creative Arts Building/Kids Corner open
- 10am - 8pm: Country Store open
- 10am - 8pm: 4-H Building Exhibits open
- 10am: Kid's Day Activities - Top of Grandstands
- 10am - 4pm: Scavenger Hunt - Jr. Fairboard Activity
- 11am - 7pm: Chain Saw Carvings
- 11am - 8pm: Exhibit Hall open
- 11am - 8pm: Creative Adventure Lab - Exhibit Building
- 12pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventure - Exhibit Grounds
- 1pm - 11pm: North American Midway Rides open
- 1pm: DCFA Birthday Party - Top of Grandstands
- 1:30pm: Kids Pedal Tractor Pull - Festival Area
- 2pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 3pm: Kid's Day Prize Giveaway - Top of Grandstands (must be present to win)
- 3pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventure - Exhibit Grounds
- 3pm; Release of poultry, beef breeding, milk cows
- 3pm: Xtreme Dance - Big Top
- 4pm: Frog Jump - Festival Area
- 4pm: The Road Less Traveled Community Theater - Big Top
- 4pm: Dubuque Dance - Festival Garden
- 5pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventure - Exhibit Grounds
- 5:30pm: 4-H Awards Ceremony - Big Top
- 6:30pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 7pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventure - Exhibit Grounds
- 7pm: Sprint Invaders - On the Track
- 8pm: Ken Peiffer, DJ - Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden
Thursday, July 27th (Country Day):
Thursday is probably the day of the fair I'm looking forward to the most! Not only is it "Country Day," it's the day Lauren Alaina takes the Main Stage!
- 8am: Grounds Open
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Swine Show - Swine Barn
- 10am - 8pm: Creative Arts Building/Kids Corner Open
- 10am - 8pm: Country Store Open
- 10am - 8pm: 4-H Building Exhibits Open to the Public
- 11am - 7pm: Chain Saw Carvings
- 11am - 8pm: Exhibit Hall Open
- 11am - 8pm: Creative Adventure Lab - Exhibit Building
- 11am: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 11am: Survivor - Exhibit Grounds
- 12pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventure - Exhibit Building
- 1pm - 11pm: North American Midway Rides open
- 1:30pm: LEGO Contest - Creative Arts Building
- 2pm: Entry of Clover Kids Pets
- 2pm: Bohn's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 2:30pm: Clover Kids Pet Show - Show Barn
- 3pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 3:30pm: Entry of All 4-H Pets - Show Barn
- 3:30pm: Kids Planting Marigolds w/ Judy Selchert from Steve's Ace Hardware - Creative Arts Building
- 4pm: Release of 4-H/FFA (Livestock Not Being Sold)
- 4pm: Tiny Prince and Princess Judging - Big Top
- 4pm: Dubuque Dance - Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden
- 4:30pm: 4-H/FFA Pet Show - 4-H Building
- 5pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 6pm: The Road Less Traveled Community Theater - Big Top
- 6:30pm - Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 7pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 7:30pm: Lauren Alaina - Main Stage
- 7:30pm: Back Booth Alley - Blain's Stage Festival Garden
Friday, July 28th (Rock Day):
Friday is "Rock Day" at the Dubuque County Fair, capped off with a performance by Skillet and Theory of a Deadman at 7:30pm and Zac Matthews Band at 9pm.
- 8am: Grounds Open
- 9am: 4-H/FFA Auction - Swine, Sheep, and Meat Goat
- 10am - 7pm: Creative Arts Building/Kids Corner Open
- 10am - 7pm: 4-H Building Exhibits Open to the Public
- 10am - 8pm: Country Store Open
- 10am - 4pm: Scavenger Hunt - Jr. Fairboard Activity
- 10am - 7pm: Chain Saw Carvings
- 11am - 8pm: Exhibit Hall Open
- 11am - 8pm: Creative Adventure Lab - Exhibit Building
- 11am: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 12pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Building
- 12:30pm: 4-H/FFA Dairy and Beef Auction - Show Barn
- 1pm -5pm: Bingo - Across from the Grandstands
- 1pm - 11pm: North American Midway Rides open
- 2pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 3pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 3pm: The Road Less Traveled Community Theater - Big Top
- 4pm: Release of all remaining 4-H Livestock
- 4pm: Chicken Chucking Contest - Exhibit Grounds
- 4pm: Dubuque Dance - Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden
- 5pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 6:30pm - Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 7pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 7:30pm: Skillet & Theory of a Deadman - Main Stage
- 9pm: Zac Matthews Band - Blain's Stage/Festival Garden
Saturday, July 29th (Tractor Pull & Family Day):
Saturday at the Dubuque County Fair is Tractor Pull and Family Day, sponsored by Midwest Concrete Inc.
- 7:30am: Entry of 4-H/FFA Rabbit
- 8am: Grounds Open
- 8am: Chili Cook-Off Check In
- 9am: Open Class Horse Show - Horse Arena
- 9am: Open Class Dairy Show - Show Barn
- 9am: Clover Kids Rabbit Show - Swine Barn
- 10am - 7pm: Creative Arts Building/Kids Corner Open
- 10am - 7pm: 4-H Building Exhibits Open to the Public
- 10am - 8pm: Country Store Open
- 10am - 4pm: Scavenger Hunt - Jr. Fairboard Activity
- 10am: 4-H/FFA Rabbit Show
- 11am - 7pm: Chain Saw Carvings
- 11am - 8pm: Exhibit Hall Open
- 11am - 8pm: Creative Adventure Lab - Exhibit Building
- 11am: Beer Olympics - Festival Area
- 11am: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 12pm - 11pm: North American Midway Rides open
- 12pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 12pm: Kiddie Calf Show - Show Barn
- 12pm: Chili Tasting Begins
- 1pm - 5pm: Bingo - Across from the Grandstands
- 2pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 2pm: Chili Cook-Off Turn-In
- 3pm: Battle of the Bands - Festival Garden
- 3pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 4pm: Chicken Chucking Contest - Exhibit Grounds
- 4pm: Dubuque Dance - Blain's Stage in the Festival Garden
- 5pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 6:30pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 6:30pm: CIPA/Badger State Tractor Pull - On the Track
- 9pm: Menace - Blain's Stage/Festival Garden
Sunday, July 30th (Race Day):
The final day of the 70th Annual Dubuque County Fair is Race Day, with a Demo Derby at 12pm and the Julien Dubuque Classic Stock Car Races at 6:30pm!
- 8am: Grounds Open
- 10am - 7pm: Creative Arts Building/Kids Corner Open
- 10am - 1:30pm: Chain Saw Carvings
- 11am - 7pm: Exhibit Hall Open
- 10am - 8pm: Country Store Open
- 11am - 8pm: Creative Adventure Lab - Exhibit Building
- 11am: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 12pm - 7pm: 4-H Building Exhibits Open to the Public
- 12pm - 8pm: North American Midway Rides open
- 12pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 12pm: Demolition Derby - On the Track
- 12pm: Pack a Port-a-Potty w/ Robb Munter
- 1pm - 5pm: Bingo - Across from the Grandstands
- 2pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 2pm: Open Class Beef Show - Livestock Arena
- 3pm: Chain Saw Carving Auction - After the Demolition Derby, Top of the Grandstands
- 3pm: Xtreme Dance - Big Top
- 3pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 4pm: Race Car Driver Autographs - Exhibit Grounds
- 4pm: Chicken Chucking Contest Finals - Exhibit Grounds
- 5pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 6:30pm: Bohm's Family Show - Exhibit Grounds
- 6:30pm: Julien Dubuque Classic Stock Car Racing - On the Track
- 7pm: Nature Nick's Animal Adventures - Exhibit Grounds
- 8pm: Winner of the Battle of the Bands - Blain's Stage in the Festival Gardens
Admission to the Fair (Wednesday - Sunday) for 12 and older is $10, while children age 11 and under are FREE. For more details, visit the Dubuque County Fair's website and Facebook page!