In anticipation for Zack Snyder’s Justice League, many fans are speculating the possibility of a sequel — or many sequels. Kevin Smith recently revealed that the Snyder Cut of Justice League has an ending that leaves the door open for more movies. But before anyone gets too excited by the possibility, Snyder himself has confirmed he has “no plans” to make more DC movies.

Speaking with Comic Book DebateSnyder explained the unique situation he found himself in with Justice League, a movie he hasn’t touched for years. “Look, I never thought I’d be here doing this. I didn’t think I’d be finishing Justice League ... The truth is, and it’s been widely reported, and I have no issue, this is an old movie. This is a years-old movie I’m working on. The DC universe has gone and branched off and done its own thing and that’s fine.”

Snyder has made peace with the rapidly evolving DCEU, although there was a time when his vision for his Justice League characters spanned five movies. But he acknowledged that he’s much busier now, and he simply couldn't commit that kind of time to the franchise. “Is it cool that the fans have so much faith in the trajectory? I couldn’t be happier and I’m excited for them to see Justice League so they can really drink the entire elixir of Justice League,” stated Snyder. “But would I continue? I have no plan to. But like I said, I didn’t think I’d be here, so who knows?”

While there's no formal plan for Snyder’s Justice League series to continue, we can still look forward to watching the Snyder Cut in four parts on HBO Max this March. At long last, there will be justice for Justice League.

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