5 Phrases Only Iowans Know
Every state, and every region in the USA has ways of saying things, but here in Iowa and the Midwest, we have some of the best and funniest ways of saying, or explaining something, at least I think we do. I’d even go as far as to say that we may have some of the best phrases here in the states.
Keep track of how many of these phrases you have said. This also makes for a great quiz for your non-Iowa and Midwestern friends. Let us know how you and your friends did. We have 5 iconic sayings, and a few honorable mentions.
Let's see if you know, or use all these great, and iconic Iowa sayings.
5. Cornhole
Most spots call this game "Bags" but as Iowans, we know it best by the name of "Cornhole."
4. OPE
This one is iconic. A phrase you may use while trying to squeeze by someone or something. Especially in a crowd. This one is said in a lot of midwest areas but is big in Iowa.
3. Holler Tail
Another one is heard in a few Midwestern spots. It is also more of a country term, but it means someone is upset, like a mad cow.
For the people who don't know what this is: "RAGBRAI is an acronym and registered trademark for the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, which is a non-competitive bicycle ride organized by The Des Moines Register." It is a major staple of Iowa.
Honorable Mentions:
Clear Over There
I say this a lot to describe something far away. Apparently, no one out of the Midwest says this.
Slow as molasses in January
I thought everyone said this! Guess not, it is a major Iowa and Wisconsin saying. This one is self-explanatory... It means something is slow.
Farmers Market
Farmer's Markets are a staple of so many Midwest locations. Iowa has countless Farmers' markets every year. I love them!
Number One Spot
You betcha
A major midwestern saying! "This positive and energetic phrase is used in a variety of ways. People say it when they strongly agree with someone, when someone else is right, to reply in the affirmative, and even in lieu of "You're welcome."
Another word that has a different meaning is Soda, pop, cola, or coke. Depending on where you are that carbonated drink has a different name, and people will fight you about it what the right answer is. What do you think the right answer is?
Share your favorite Iowa, or Midwestern saying on our app or any of our social media. If you grew up on the Illinois side, what was your go-to saying?
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