Area Schools Adding Plant-Based Meals
You've probably noticed places like Burger King offering their "impossible" burgers and plant-based meals to their customers in an attempt to help them eat healthier.
KCRG reports that schools are now doing the same in Eastern Iowa. Sloppy joes with lentils, chocolate chip hummus, and breakfast sushi were some of the options being tested as representatives from schools including Benton Community and Union gathered at Vinton-Shellsburg to cook and taste-test them. They liked them, but will the kids? That will be discovered later.
How these schools are funding the purchase and use of the new plant-based items is at their own discretion. Some are getting grants and others say it won't be a hit to their budget whatsoever as plant-based products cost less.
The United States Bureau of Labor says meat prices over the last year have generally gone up, while some protein substitutes and plant products have gone down, but schools said the need for these foods is an important one.
Are you happy schools are jumping on the healthier, plant-based trend for your kids? Share your thoughts in the comments.
[Via KCRG]