Cedar Rapids Citizens’ Police Academy Taking Applicants
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be a Cedar Rapids police officer, there's another opportunity for you to take a look into the inner workings without becoming a full-fledged cop.
The Citizens' Police Academy will take place on March 4th through May 6th with the Cedar Rapids Police Department. The academy meets every Wednesday night during that period. The program is open to Cedar Rapids residents and the goal is not to train participants to be police officers but to increase the understanding and rapport between citizens and officers.
You'll take a look at how the CRPD conducts its operations every day
If you're age 18 or over and want to participate, advance registration with $30 in cash, a check or money order is required. Spots are limited to 20 people so sign up now.
Information and applications are available on the Police Department's website. You may contact the CRP as well at (319) 286-5425 or email l.faircloth@cedar-rapids.org.
[Via City of Cedar Rapids e-mail newsletter]