This Iowa City Celebration For National Scrabble Day Spells F-U-N
This event sounds C-O-O-L!
With trendy words like "emoji,” “facepalm,” “bitcoin” and “listicle" now being endorsed for use in the "Official Scrabble Players Dictionary", there's never been a better time for more people to take up the famous word game.
The Iowa City Scrabble Club meets most Sundays from October through April at the Hy-Vee Market Grille on First Avenue in Iowa City. They are gearing up to make their annual outdoor migration to the Bread Garden, and it coincides with a celebration this weekend for "National Scrabble Day" (yes, that exists!)
According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, National Scrabble Day is celebrated on April 13, the birthdate in 1899 of the game's creator Alfred Mosher Butts. He began developing his f-u-n game in 1933, during the depression, and at first, was rejected by just about every game manufacturer. He didn't give up and joined forces with another entrepreneur, helping his game get the green light for production after being trademarked in 1948.
As legend has it, the game got its REAL big break in 1950 after the president of Macy's discovered it on vacation. He knew it was a hit and he HAD to begin selling it in his stores. The rest is h-i-s-t-o-r-y.
Fast forward to April 10, 2022, just a few days before the anniversary of the game's invention. A shindig is being held at the Iowa City Library from 1-3 p.m. in Meeting Room A, for those who want to have some fun socializing, meeting others to play Scrabble, and maybe join the club.
The Iowa City Public Library is located at 123 S. Linn St. which is just down the road from their seasonal meeting spot at the Bread Garden, 225 S. Linn St.
Admission is free and all ages and skill levels are welcome, so don't m-i-s-s it!