The saga of a small Eastern Iowa town trying to save its beloved community golf course from closure may be over.

For the past few weeks, the folks in LaPorte City have been trying hard to keep their golf course alive after it was announced it would close permanently. When the initial announcement was made that the course was being closed for good on September 10th, the owners did mention they were open to suggestions on how to keep the course open but hadn't found any ideas that made sense.

People locally and nationwide started hearing about the cause and donated to try and help save the course, which it was estimated would require $400,000. According to the LaPorte City Golf Club Facebook page, the 9-hole course has been purchased and will remain open.

Because of their own collective efforts, residents of LaPorte City can rest in knowing they will continue to have a place to hit a few and that their diligence towards their goal worked out.

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