We all know the very basics when it comes to liquor laws, right? You cannot buy booze if you are under 21, you should NEVER drink and drive, and so on. But how intimately do you know Iowa's liquor laws?

Keep score as you play along, and see if you're a pro when it comes to knowledge of our laws. Hey, if now, at least you can say you learned something today!

Take the Quiz!

Keep scrolling, we have a six-question quiz that will test your knowledge of Iowa-specific alcohol laws.

All the information from the quiz comes from answers to a Q&A shared by the Iowa Department of Revenue.

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So, how much do you know about our booze laws? If you currently, or have ever worked at a bar or a restaurant, you certainly have a better chance than anyone who's either just a consumer or doesn't know or care much about alcohol laws.

Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

See how you do with our quiz! We have, first the question, then the answer listed below.

Good luck on the quiz and, cheers!

Iowa Alcohol Quiz

How many of these can you get right?

Gallery Credit: Johnny Marks

So here is a WOW for you... it's hard to believe we've had so many great restaurants open up this year. Check out our comprehensive list of the eateries that have opened so far in 2024 below!

And make plans to visit as many as you can.

New Restaurants That Have Opened in Eastern Iowa in 2024

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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