Iowa City Reschedules First Farmers’ Market
The Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance already made the decision to postpone its first summer Cedar Rapids Downtown Farmers' Market due to Coronavirus and social distancing. According to Iowa's News Now, Iowa City has announced it will do the same.
The new opening dates for both will now be Saturday, June 6, subject to change on the basis of ongoing updates to Coronavirus information. Current guidelines through at least April 30 prohibit any public gatherings of 10 people or more.
The Iowa City Farmers' Market operates twice a week. Markets run Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30-noon at the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp, 415 E. Washington St. and continue through October.
Wednesday and Saturday markets in Iowa City do not necessarily feature the same vendors on each day, so you can find maps and vendor details here.
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