Iowa Could Lose It’s Place As First-In-Nation Caucus
It looks like Iowa Democrats may have a serious problem on their hands defending Iowa's place as the nation’s first caucus state. Leaders will soon be reviewing reasons why they should consider choosing to grant that privilege to the state of Nevada.
Last year Iowa’s caucus began as a technical nightmare and fizzled out as an embarrassing mess of ineptitude; after days of uncertainty voters were left exhausted and apathetic.
Iowa’s screw-up triggered a recurring debate as to why any one state should be allowed to retain its first place status unchallenged.
So Nevada is going for it, and with a good, simple story:
- According to Iowa's News Now, Iowa is 94% white and 56% of Iowa voters live in rural, small towns.
- Nevada’s pitch is that its population provides a more accurate representation of the total US population, thus a better picture of the average US voter.
The first in nation status definitely comes with financial benefits that boost the state’s economy. Candidates spending early campaign dollars rolled across Iowa non-stop all year long, speaking to small groups of voters as they polished their pitches to gain supporters and build a consensus.
Iowa's News Now says many Iowa Democrats believe it will be an uphill battle to maintain first in nation status for an Iowa caucus. Still, others think that Iowa should do away with the confusing caucus procedures and instead change to a standard primary election.
Nevada isn’t the only state on the list that would like to be first. South Carolina also is interested in jumping into the competition.
Which ever state ultimately goes first comes the responsibility of providing fair accurate and timely results.
Iowa screwed that up last time.
Perhaps it’s time to change from a caucus to a primary election in Iowa.