The Best Thing About the State of Iowa
There are a lot of wonderful things about Iowa, but according to Thrillist, there's one thing that stands out as the very best.
The website Thrillist went on a mission to discover "The Best Damn Thing in Every State," and the answer for Iowa isn't super exciting, although it IS very important. The results could be anything from people, to food, to sporting events, to beautiful locations, they just couldn't be particular cities, because that would be too easy. The winner for Iowa is something we are all very familiar with - The Iowa Caucuses. Here's what Thrillist had to say about it:
"Every four years, Iowans gather with neighbors to leave the rest of the country slightly confused as to exactly what they're up to as they prepare to make people like Mike Huckabee and Dick Gephardt think they might actually be president. Fine, sometimes they get it right, too. Either way, it's become a big part of our democracy, much like a big piece of fried pork tenderloin crammed into an adorably tiny bun."
Here are some of the "best things" about our surrounding states:
- Illinois - Lake Shore Drive
- Missouri - Lake of the Ozarks
- Wisconsin - Dairy
- Minnesota - Prince (still)
- Nebraska - Indian Caves
- South Dakota - The Badlands
Check out the rest of the list HERE.
[Via Thrillist]