Iowa Lottery Sets Sales and Revenue Records
Woo-hoo, indeed!
It seems more and more people are taking to heart the phrase "you can't win if you don't play", as officials with the Iowa Lottery have recently released their numbers for a record fiscal year 2019, which ended on June 30.
With total sales jumping to $390.9 million, $92.8 million went to state causes. The Mega Millions game saw the biggest increase, from $21.3 million $36.3 million in sales. Scratch game sales overall went up by $6.3 million.
How much money was won by actual players of the games? $241.9 million. That's a lot of coin! Retailers shared $25.4 million of the proceeds.
Long story short: the Iowa Lottery made and paid out a lot of money this year.
Wilson Ave. Hy-Vee in Southwest Cedar Rapids is the biggest seller of lottery tickets in the state, and six out of the Top 10 are in Cedar Rapids. Five of those 6 are Hy-Vee-affiliated grocery, drug or gas retailers.
Despite a record-shattering year, CEO Matt Strawn still wants to encourage responsibility. In that spirit, they are considering caps on the number of times you can play the lottery and how much you can win.