Are you ready to devour that turkey Thursday, then get up the next day for some Black Friday SHOPPING? You're not alone here in Iowa. The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year, and it's expected to be no different this year.

A website called ranked the states with busiest and least busy stores for shopping for Black Friday, and Iowa's in the Top 5.

They polled 1, 250 shoppers, via Google Trends, about their Black Friday shopping habits. The states with the busiest stores, where 50-59 percent of people saying they will shop in physical stores on Black Friday, were:

  • South Dakota (57%)
  • Florida (55%)
  • Nevada (52%)
  • Iowa (50%)

Exactly half of us in Iowa will be shopping in physical stores this Friday.

On the other hand, Louisiana, Connecticut, Alaska and Rhode Island have the least number of expected store-bound Black Friday shoppers, as most of America (60 percent) will do most of their Black Friday shopping online.

Are you among those heading out to the stores this week to do Black Friday shopping, or will you stay in, and log in, to get those deals?



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