Iowan Will Fly Marine Corps Jet Over Super Bowl
Sure, the parties, food, commercials, halftime show and the compelling matchup between Kansas City and San Francisco will all be fun on Super Bowl Sunday. But if you're watching the Big Game, pay close attention to what's in the air.
Adam Wellington of Sac City, Iowa is a member of the United States Marine Corps who has been chosen for a flyover at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. Four Navy jets will be flying over the stadium along with one Marine Corps jet. Wellington's squadron in South Carolina chose him to be the pilot.
He joined the Marines right out of college at the University of Iowa in 2005 and sees it as not only a great once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take part in the Super Bowl but to represent his home state as well. "No doubt it will be one of the highlights of my career in the Marine Corps", the 37-year-old Wellington told the Des Moines Register.