Everyone has their favorite Disney movie that they watch over and over again.

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There's a whole generation of young adults who know and love the classic DCOM. For those of you unfamiliar with that term; DCOM stands for Disney Channel Original Movie. I am of the generation that eagerly waited for the release of the newest Disney TV movie every few months or so.

Some of the most well-known Disney Channel movies (at least for my generation) include; the High School Musical franchise, Camp Rock & Camp Rock 2, and all of the Halloweentown movies.

I remember clearly arguing with my friends in college about what the ULTIMATE DCOM was. For me, it's always and forever going to be Halloweentown. Any project with Debbie Reynolds has to be absolutely brilliant.

But we don't talk about the fourth and final flick in that franchise...

A recent and VERY legitimate study came out which determined each state's favorite Disney Channel Original Movie.

The Loupe put together the study, compiled with data from Google Trends to finally figure out where all of our hearts lie. These results were based on users number of searches for a particular movie.

The number one Disney Channel original movie in the nation is the 2018 film Zombies.

How can it not be ANY of the High School Musicals?!?

And do not get me started on which one claims to be Iowa's favorite...

The 2000 Disney Channel Movie Alley Cats Strike takes the title of "Iowa's Favorite Disney Channel Movie." It focuses on a high school's bowling league and features Kaley Cuoco in one of her first roles.

The IMDb description reads;

"A group of hip retro teenage outsiders become involved in an interschool bowling rivalry."

You can watch the trailer down below!

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