Nobody Wins as Federal Shutdown Impacts Local Iowans
Statistically speaking, Iowa is one of the states least affected by the federal government shutdown. But there are still plenty of Iowans who lives are being negatively impacted by the continued gridlock.
At the Federal Courthouse building in Cedar Rapids, some workers missed their first paycheck last week.
CBS 2 News reports "U.S. Marshal Kenneth Runde, who himself is set to retire this week, is now waiting to find out if his confirmed replacement will take over. Runde says paperwork awaiting President Trump's signature is on hold because staffers have been furloughed. Runde says he's willing to stay on the job if asked until the new U.S. Marshal can assume his duties."
While government workers are the first to suffer, they are not the only ones hit by the shutdown. Food stamp recipients and those who depend on WIC may also soon feel the pinch.
The Gazette reported yesterday the shutdown hit the U.S. Department of Agriculture and that could impact several programs including SNAP and WIC benefits.
There are over 333,000 SNAP users in Iowa, and while funds have been provided by the USDA to last into February, things could get really bad for those recipients if the shutdown isn't soon resolved.
Hopefully, our leaders will come back to the table and figure this mess out quickly.
[sources: CBS 2 News, Gazette]