Eric Faces His Pack Rat Tendencies
A household project this week has meant moving things to spaces where the work isn't being done to get it out of the way. It also offers a glimpse at the massive volume of "stuff" I actually have, and I'm led to wonder: when does one go from simply being lazy, to being a pack rat or even an outright hoarder?
I don't intend to make light of hoarding, as it is increasingly regarded as a legitimate psychological disorder. But I've watched the show "Hoarders" and the Dateline specials and talk shows on the subject of hoarding and I reassure myself I am nowhere close to that level -- where I am actually physically or emotionally uncomfortable parting with items.
Pack rats keep useful things, or so they tell themselves, even if it takes some deep thought and effort to figure out how it is useful. Hoarders, on the other hand, are said to become emotionally attached to pure junk, such as old newspapers holding no significance. When you use your bathtub for storage rather than bathing, this is a good sign you're a hoarder! I'm not there.
There are some things, though, that I'm not quite ready to part with. I've been working on my CD collection over several years, and none of those will be going anywhere anytime soon. Same goes for my collection of books and (somewhat smaller) collection of DVDs. These things are off the table in my quest to declutter. I could probably organize them better, but they are most definitely staying put. I'm also keeping some of my old cassette tapes -- just in case that technology comes back in style -- including old "air check" tapes from my beginnings in radio. Too much sentimental (and comedic) value to get rid of those!
I have clothing items I most certainly have not worn in a year or more, the general rule of thumb for deciding to keep or get rid of clothing, and yet I can't part with them. I figure I already spent the money, and maybe "I will wear it again someday" -- although I could always consider donating unworn clothes.
"You can never have too many office supplies" is another, perhaps borderline unhealthy, mental justification in which I allow myself to indulge. You probably can, in fact, have too many office supplies since computers are the modern counterpart for pens, pencils, and notebook paper. Plus, you can get most of those items for a couple of bucks at the most if you really need them. So that might be my first step in decluttering. Also, who uses floppy disks anymore? Apparently, me, because I still have a bunch of them.
If you'd like more information on hoarding and its symptoms, check out an article from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Meanwhile, I'm off to unpack more boxes. On second thought, maybe I'll just leave them packed--you know, because I'm laz---I mean, in case I have to move them again.
[Via ADAA]
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