Cedar Rapids Schools Release Info About Ending Mask MandateCedar Rapids Schools Release Info About Ending Mask MandateHow long will masks be required in Cedar Rapids schools? Here is the criteria the district is looking at. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Cedar Rapids Community Schools Decide on Requiring MasksCedar Rapids Community Schools Decide on Requiring MasksA federal judge's recent decision about masks has left school officials in Cedar Rapids and other districts in the throes of more debates.Eric StoneEric Stone
Third School Year Affected By Pandemic Set to BeginThird School Year Affected By Pandemic Set to BeginKids and parents get set to begin another school year affected by COVID. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Academy of Pediatrics Suggests Masks For All School Age KidsAcademy of Pediatrics Suggests Masks For All School Age KidsWill kids need to wear masks in school this fall? At least one pediatric group thinks so.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
How The Pandemic Changed The Battle Against InfluenzaHow The Pandemic Changed The Battle Against InfluenzaMitigation efforts against COVID led to the lowest transmission rate of Influenza in years.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Vaccinated Kernels Fans Don’t Have to Mask UpVaccinated Kernels Fans Don’t Have to Mask UpThe Kernels are making changes to safety protocols at games for those who have been vaccinated.Eric StoneEric Stone
Let’s Take A Look At Where You Need A Mask, Where You Don’tLet’s Take A Look At Where You Need A Mask, Where You Don’tThursday's announcement by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask or stay 6 feet apart from others in most cases, whether indoors or outdoors, has been met with some confusion.Riley O'NeilRiley O'Neil
So Long, My Old FriendSo Long, My Old FriendThanks to yesterday's new guidelines from the CDC, Brain says goodbye to his old mask.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
CDC Releases New Mask Wearing GuidelinesCDC Releases New Mask Wearing GuidelinesThe CDC updated their suggestions on where fully vaccinated people should still wear masks. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Cedar Rapids Girl Scout Earns Silver Award By Helping Keep Others SafeCedar Rapids Girl Scout Earns Silver Award By Helping Keep Others SafeIt's the highest award someone in her age group can achieve.Bob JamesBob James