Iowans Share Their Hilarious Pups for ‘National Puppy Day’Iowans Share Their Hilarious Pups for ‘National Puppy Day’Our dogs are NOT normal and we love them for it!CourtlinCourtlin
Better Business Bureau Warns of Puppy ScamsBetter Business Bureau Warns of Puppy ScamsIt really is heartbreaking for families.Bob JamesBob James
Iowans Show Off Their Pups for National Rescue Dog Day!Iowans Show Off Their Pups for National Rescue Dog Day!Today is a day to celebrate the adopted dogs in your home! May 20th is National Rescue Dog Day.CourtlinCourtlin
Is Your Pet Afraid of Something Completely Random?Is Your Pet Afraid of Something Completely Random?My dog definitely is!CourtlinCourtlin
CR Animal Organizations Draft Ordinance Banning Puppy Mill SalesCR Animal Organizations Draft Ordinance Banning Puppy Mill SalesAnimal organizations and city leaders in Cedar Rapids are working to put a stop to purchasing dogs from puppy mills.DanielleDanielle
Iowa Bride Trades In Bouquets For Puppies On Wedding DayIowa Bride Trades In Bouquets For Puppies On Wedding DayTalk about stealing the show!Tiffany KayTiffany Kay
Puppies Thrown Over a Bridge are Now Safe in an Iowa ShelterPuppies Thrown Over a Bridge are Now Safe in an Iowa ShelterIt absolutely blows my mind that somebody could be this cruel.CourtlinCourtlin
The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Ever Eaten [AUDIO]The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Ever Eaten [AUDIO]Brain and Courtlin asked listeners, "what's the craziest thing your dog has ever eaten?" and the responses did not disappoint!CourtlinCourtlin
Today is National Puppy Day! [PHOTOS]Today is National Puppy Day! [PHOTOS]Who doesn't like to celebrate adorable puppies?CourtlinCourtlin
KDAT Animals for AdoptionKDAT Animals for AdoptionHere's a look back through some of our favorite moments from 2016. Some of these animals are still up for adoption at Last Hope Animal Rescue in Cedar Rapids! Jon BiegenJon Biegen