The Quad City Steamwheelers are holding tryouts for the 2025 Deckmate Dancers on November 10th at 1 PM at Vibrant Arena, led by newly appointed Head Coach T'Nauzhae Robinson.
We've all been there. When you find that taxiing to the gate after landing is taking nearly as long as the flight itself, you've probably thought about what it would be like to just open a door and get out. I didn't say you did it, just thought about it.
Whether you're a breakfast eater or not, there's something to be said for those who find something they like to eat and then stick with it for almost 7 decades.
If you're an Illinois homeowner, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you told me that you immediately thought "So does every ****ing person who owns a house in this state!"
As a fan of the castle concept, it's pretty cool knowing that Illinois has that many. It's even cooler to know that one of those castles is surprisingly close to Rockford.
Another day, another recall. However, this recall is different that the ones we've reported on throughout 2021 because it's not something you drink or eat--it's something you spray into a room.
Divers finding balloons in Lake Michigan and Girl Scouts spending their time picking up balloon debris in the Chicago suburbs led to Illinois State Representative Sam Yingling putting forth Illinois House Bill 418 (HB-418).
It seems as though we just can't get away from Bigfoot. It was a little over a week ago that Joe Dredge wrote a piece on this site about a Bigfoot and Bigfoot baby possibly being filmed in Michigan.
I've always thought that if we purchased (in abundance) the products that are pitched to us during the course of an NFL game, we'd all have several large pickup trucks, and they'd all be filled with beer.