Tanager Place Summer Fest 2019 Announced
The summer tradition in Cedar Rapids returns for its 29th year. Tanager Place Summer Fest is back.
Mark the date. It will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 3-6 p.m. at Collins Aerospace, formerly Rockwell Collins Sports Complex in Cedar Rapids. As always, it's free with family interactive activities, crafts, inflatable rides, live entertainment, mascot mania, Rev'd for Kids Charity Car Show and the General Mills Make Your Own Cereal tent.
The call is out for an additional 200 volunteers to make this event the best yet. You can help in the kids' activity tent, make your own cereal tent or as an event host, mascot or mascot helper.
Volunteers receive a free t-shirt. If you're interested, the volunteer contact is Teresa Kurtz. Email: tkurtz@tanagerplace.org or call 319-365-9165 ext. 379.
More details will be coming soon, but you can learn more right now at their website.
Free family fun, benefitting the programs of Tanager Place, specializing in children's mental and behavioral wellness . More information for volunteers can be found here. Don't miss it June 1 with Tanager Place Summer Fest.