The Ancient Winged Creature that Terrorized Van Meter Iowa in 1903
The below story is presumed true. In 1903, crawling from the dry dusty depths of an abandoned mine, a large winged creature crawled its way into the Iowa town of Van Meter moving at speed the townsfolk had never seen before. It was said that a powerful stench overwhelmed their senses as a blinding light shot from its horned head. Sound a little strange? The townsfolk thought so too when they unloaded their guns on the human-animal hybrid to no effect. Three nights in a row the creature flew on building tops by respected members of the community such as the town doctor and bank cashier, Peter Dunn, who took a plaster cast of its three-toed tracks. On the third night of the creature flight, a resident described it as hopping like a Kangaroo. Hopping and flying its way to the abandoned coal mine. Read the excerpt below of what was actually written in the Des Moines Daily News on October 3, 1903.
The creature was never seen exiting the mine.... Sleep tight Iowa! ;)