The Unique History Depicted on The Jones County Freedom Rock
What started on a rock in Menlo, Iowa back in 1999, The Iowa Freedom Rock Tour is now nearly complete. Completed Freedom Rocks are now located in 98 of Iowa's 99 counties. Artist Ray 'Bubba' Sorensen II recently completed the Freedom Rock in Jones County, and now has just the Linn County rock left to paint. Each Freedom Rock is completely unique, and has images specific to that county and area. As a Jones County native I was excited to see what Sorensen decided to include.
First, lets look at the front of the Jones County Freedom Rock. There are eleven members of our military featured on the rock. Who are they? First of all, there is this fact that I was unaware of. Jones County has the unique history of having a veteran from every major US conflict reside from the county. According to a Facebook post, here they are, from left to right.
- Israel Fisher, Revolutionary War
- Alexander Crawford, War of 1812
- William T. Shaw, Mexican-American War and Civil War
- Arthur McCullough, US Army, World War 1
- Pauline Quigley, US Army Nursing Corp, World War 1
- Gale Edwards, US Army, World War 2
- Charles Ricklefs, US Navy, Korean War
- William Rees, US Marine Corp, Vietnam
- Becky Dirks-Haugsted, US Marine Corp, Desert Shield/Storm
- Craig Amundson, US Army, 9/11
- Terryl Pasker, US Army, Operation Enduring Freedom
On the other side of the Jones County Freedom Rock features at least one face that folks should recognize, artist Grant Wood. Wood served in the Army during World War 1, before he became a famous artist. Also featured is Military Highway 1, also called Dillon's Furrow. It was the first federally funded highway west of the Mississippi River.
If you'd like to visit the Jones County Freedom Rock, it is located in Stone City, near The General Store. I know I'll be making a trip there soon.
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