Some Dirtbag Dumped Close to 100 Used Tires into Area Ditch
Have you ever driven down a country road and noticed trash scattered all over the side of the road? I’m not talking about just one or two pieces of trash here and there, but entire bags full that people have either thrown out their car window or taken time to dump into the ditch?
I live in the country, so we're no strangers to picking up garbage in the ditches. Unfortunately there are people who think that since no one is around to catch them or scold them that what they are doing is ok.
Every year, we grab the four wheeler and a wagon and go up and down our road to pick up beer cans, fast food bags and other random garbage.
I've even come across TV's just tossed out of a vehicle...waiting for someone to dispose of properly.
A recent post from the Whiteside County Sheriff's office bummed me out. Someone tossed almost 100 used tires in to the ditch.
This is clearly illegal and clearly done by someone with no regard for others in their community.
According to today's facebook post:
The Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the publics assistance with a call received on March 21, 2022 at approximately 2:41pm in reference to Illegal Dumping of 70-100 used tires on Hurd Rd., in the Tampico area. If you have any information pertaining to the person(s) responsible, please contact Deputy Cooper Kilberg through our dispatch center at (815) 772-4044, or if you wish to remain anonymous please call Crimestoppers at (815) 625-7867 (STOP).
Thank you.
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