Top Colleges & Universities in Iowa
On average, tuition at colleges and universities across the United States average from $21,000-$48,000 a year, so it's important to choose the right one to attend.
WalletHub's annual list of 500 Best Colleges & Universities has arrived, and topping the list for Iowa is Grinnell College.
They ranked 1st in the state, 10th in the midwest, and cracked the Top 100 at #61 overall across the United States. In all, 14 schools in Iowa made the list.
WalletHub compared over 1,000 higher-education institutions in the U.S. based on 33 key measures grouped into seven categories, such as Student Selectivity, Cost & Financing and Career Outcomes. The data set ranges from student-faculty ratio to graduation rate to post-attendance median salary.
The Top 5 ranked colleges and universities in Iowa were:
- Grinnell (61st overall)
- Drake (238)
- Wartburg (284)
- Simpson (291)
- Upper Iowa (349)
Luther, the University of Iowa, Buena Vista, Coe, Clarke, Northwestern College, Graceland, Iowa State, and Central were also on the list.
The Top 5 in the nation were the usual suspects:
- Harvard
- Princeton
- Yale
- Stanford
Here's how Grinnell ranked in some of the specific categories.
- 1st: "Admission Rate
- 1st: "Graduation Rate"
- 2nd: "Gender & Racial Diversity"
- 2nd: "Gender & Racial Diversity"
- 3rd: "Student-Faculty Ratio"
- 4th: "Post-Attendance Median Salary"
- 10th: "On-Campus Crime"
Congratulations on a job well done to all the colleges on the list. Learn more here.
[Via WalletHub]