If there is a lesson to be learned from the following story, it is this. Do NOT drive drunk near the Branstad family because they will chase you down and make sure you are arrested!

KCCI reports that Ambassador Ken Quinn and his wife Le Son were traveling on Interstate 80 near Iowa City on the night of their wedding anniversary. The two were traveling along when suddenly out of nowhere, they were struck from behind. Quinn said that the force they were hit with "had to be 90 to 100 mph". As you can imagine, Quinn's car was severely damaged in the collision.

The truck that hit Quinn's car fled from the scene. But a car driving behind them on the interstate wasn't going to have any of it! This vehicle took off and actually chased down the vehicle that was driving drunk and was responsible for the crash. The occupants of that vehicle? Former Iowa Governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad and his wife Chris. It was actually Chris who was behind the wheel. KCCI reports that when she saw the hit and run happen, she stomped on the gas and took off down the interstate.

After handing the drunk driver over to police, the Branstad's went back to check on their friends, the Quinns. The families have been friends for years and had attended the same event earlier that evening. Not only did the Branstads stop the drunk driver and chase them down, they then drove the Quinns to their final destination. Talk about your government dollars at work!


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