You Won’t Believe How Wisconsin Man Is Arrested For Drunk Driving
A drunk driver in Wisconsin checks off a couple of arrest bucket list items from his latest DUI bust.
Wisconsin Has Different Rules For Drinking And Driving
Let's be honest, many of the citizens of Wisconsin enjoy boozing it up, especially beer. The state has adjusted its drinking and driving laws to help handle the situation. It's not even called a D.U.I. The lawmakers changed it to O.W.I. (operation while intoxicated). You could almost call it a badge of honor for residents.
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Many offenders have been busted multiple times. How they aren't in jail baffles me. I'm surprised how many lawbreakers have more alcohol arrested than they can count on one hand. I'm guessing that there's a state bucket list of ways to get arrested for drunk driving.
Wisconsin Drunk Driver Arrested
Recently, a pair of officers from the Dane County Sheriff's office made a bust in Madison for drunk driving. If the suspect was playing D.U.I. Bingo he would've definitely hit some big numbers with a very good chance of winning the game for the day. You have to admit, it's a pretty impressive boozing-it-up resume. Let's start with the scorecard.
- Morning D.U.I. (10:45 am) - 1 point
- Almost get in an accident while pulling into a parking lot - 1 point
- Come close to hitting a police car - 1 point
- An open container of alcohol in the vehicle - 1 point
- Drinking a beer when pulled over by cops - 1 point
- 4th career O.W.I. - 1 point
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Gallery Credit: The Smoking Gun, Adams County Sheriff, Dane County, Eau Claire PD, Janesville PD, Lacrosse PD, Lincoln County Jail, Manitowoc, Cottage Grove PD, Shawano County Sheriff, Sumter County Jail, Waukesha County Jail, Racine PD
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