According to a report by the New York Times, the FBI is officially vetting 8th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jane Kelly of Cedar Rapids. The 51-year-old is a former public defender who was approved unanimously by the Senate to serve on the appeals panel. Last month Kelly's name was rumored to be among those being considered to replace Justice Antonin Scalia who died February 13th.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley supported Kelly three years ago during her promotion to the federal court. Grassley is now the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He has vowed not to hold hearings on anyone that President Obama nominated for the Supreme Court. That includes Kelly. When Grassley was told of the FBI vetting Kelly, he said that it would not sway his decision to go against any choice of President Obama.

Last week Grassley, along with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell met with the President about the Supreme Court Vacancy. He asked them both for names, but none were suggested. President Obama plans to pick a nominee despite objections from Republicans.

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