Donutland Donuts Returning To the Iowa City Area
For decades, the only Donutland retail store left standing was their location on Center Point Road in Cedar Rapids. However, the beloved donut chain is getting ready to open another location on 16th Ave. SW. We also found out over the weekend that Donutland is moving back into Iowa City!
Donutland won't be building another retail location in Iowa City. They'll actually be taking over the location of another donut franchise. Daylight Donuts, located at 1681 1st Ave. in Iowa City announced on their Facebook page yesterday that their final day of business will be on Sunday, February 27th. Daylight has been at the Iowa City location for the past 11 years.
Daylight Donuts expressed gratitude for serving the Iowa City area and also reminded patrons to use any Daylight gift cards prior to the store closing on the 27th. The post then goes on to introduce Donutland as the new owners and announce that they will open their doors to the public on Tuesday, March 1st!
While it is always sad to see a local business close down, it at least is being replaced by another local business with strong ties to the area. The owners of Daylight Donuts stated that they hope the community supports Donutland the way they supported their store for the past 11 years. So, Iowa City, how excited are you to have a Donutland back in your neck of the woods?
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