Iowa State Patrol Putting Speeders on High Alert This Weekend
They're looking for it every day, with your safety in mind, but the Iowa State Patrol says they will be cracking down especially hard this weekend.
Early in the pandemic, it seemed like everyone was staying home and off the roads, as speeding reports were down. Things are opening back up and people are stir crazy, but that's no reason to rev it up. In fact, one trooper told Sioux City's KTIV the lower traffic volume may be causing drivers to let their guard down, and speed up.
Trooper John Farley says July is known for historically larger volumes of traffic in general, and the authorities will be looking to nab you if you're going overboard this weekend.
The Iowa State Patrol joins a multi-state initiative this weekend to stop the rampant recent increase in speeding, according to KCCI.
The program starts Friday, July 17, and continues on Saturday, but it's probably a good idea to be on alert Sunday, too, just in case. Iowa joins state patrols from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Nebraska in a crackdown to stop speeders.
State Patrol commander Nathan Fulk noted that so far in 2020, at least during the pandemic, "the Iowa State Patrol has seen 113% increase in speed citations issued for 100 miles per hour or greater". Furthermore, citations for speeds 25 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit have gone up by 70 percent.
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