The battle over the use and sale of fireworks here in Iowa took another interesting turn this week as Governor Kim Reynolds signed a new law ending restrictions on where fireworks can be sold.

In the wake of complaints about the use of fireworks, cities began to pass regulations on where the products could be sold. They would use those regulations as a way to all but ban the sale of fireworks, even though Iowa state law allows for them to be sold throughout the state. The new law prohibits cities from restricting sales to certain zoning categories, like industrial, according to the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

The bill passed along party lines with Republicans saying that the new law will stop cities from trying to, in effect, ban the sale of fireworks. The Gazette reports that cities believe that the law will make it hard to prevent fireworks from being sold in potentially dangerous locations.

I've been all over the map when it comes to fireworks in Iowa. Back when they were illegal I called for them to be allowed. But now after a few years of having them legally available and all the messes that have come along with them, I'm not sure I care anymore. I think the real fun was shooting them off, knowing they were illegal! Regardless, this new law should guarantee you see more fireworks stands this summer.

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