Should I Be Watching American Idol? [VIDEOS]
As a radio host whose job it is to inform you of what goes on in the music and entertainment industry, part of me feels like it should be my obligation to keep tabs on reality television. The other part of me says "who cares?". But that attitude might not be good for business.
"American Idol" started its new season Sunday night and I'm going to be honest. I only watched about five minutes of footage on Monday morning, and a couple of performances caught my attention,
I liked Walker Burroughs, the nerdy looking Clay Aiken type. Nerdy looking with a voice that is anything but. "Love Like This" by Ben Rechtor was his song. He also nailed an encore of "Hello" by judge Lionel Richie. I look forward to seeing his progress through the season, whether I'm actually watching or not.
There were a couple of notable performances by Tyler Mitchell and Nick Townsend (who dedicated his performance to his late brother), a "terrifying performance" by death-metalist "Vokillz" .
All the buzz I'm seeing has Myra Tran as the current frontrunner.
Tell me what you thought with a comment below. Let's have a mutually beneficial discussion before the next episode Wednesday night.