Some Weird Stuff You Can Buy Off of Cedar Rapids Craigslist
Anyone with stuff they don't want can always put it up for sale on Craigslist. As the old saying goes, "One person's garbage is another's gold" You find crap around the house, or after a family member passes and you're having to go through their affairs, you will, NO DOUBT, find things no one needs. But alas, someone right now is looking for that worthless piece of crap you have and willing to pay you for it!
Do you have crap? They want it!
Weird Things I Found for Sale on Cedar Rapids Craigslist
There's a really good chance you have crap, sorry, nice items in your home that are no longer needed or wanted. You know it's true. Start by going through the house and grabbing things that you'd like to see gone. Then gather it all somewhere (let your better half do the same or there will some s'plain'n to do Lucy!) and then discuss, together what you both agree has to leave. Each other doesn't count. Sorry.
After you have your garbage, er, fine items ready to go, put them up on your local Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace, or eBay or any of those other apps where you can sell and buy things, (Side note: the house also has to be agreed upon if you decide to unload that too.)
Have some fun, clean out some much-needed clutter and make a buck or three while you're at it! Time for life to feel a little lighter and free-er! Get to it! Tell them that Shawn Foxx is a genius!