Need A Vacation? Here’s Your Permission Slip From Science
If you've been a bit of a wound up bundle of stress like myself lately, maybe planning a vacation needs to be a priority soon. According to an article by TravelZoo, science would definitely back me up on that assertion.
You may have heard it before, but a new study confirms that vacation planning leads to greater happiness in almost every area of your life. TravelZoo broke it down into several different categories, from our personal relationships to work satisfaction and overall well-being. Check out the results HERE.
But, as the article points out, put some thought into it. A simple vacation will probably make any of us happy enough, but, if you can afford it, even better would be a themed vacation around something specific you enjoy, like a tour of midwest baseball parks or an itinerary of concert trips. How about starting with this one?
Some of the reasons people don't take a vacation, according to TravelZoo, are the fear of actually asking for the time off in the first place, not feeling they deserve it, or worrying about leaving their co-workers hanging with too much work to do. Sound familiar? They are all valid concerns, but it might just be time to get over it and do something for you. Browse the web for deals to your favorite destination and plan that trip now. It could be for your own good.