Two-thirds Of Americans Don’t Remember The Last Time They Wore PantsTwo-thirds Of Americans Don’t Remember The Last Time They Wore PantsPants are overrated anyways.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Is The Pandemic Giving You Nightmares? Here Are Some TipsIs The Pandemic Giving You Nightmares? Here Are Some TipsFour easy tips to help you sleep better.Johnny MarksJohnny Marks
Iowans Are Tired Nearly 50 Percent of the TimeIowans Are Tired Nearly 50 Percent of the TimeIt's not just because of Daylight Saving Time.Eric StoneEric Stone
You’re Sleeping Wrong…You’re Sleeping Wrong…Aches, pains, discomfort during the day? That's likely why. Johnny MarksJohnny Marks
Study Reveals Holiday Travelers Sleep Better In Hotels Than Their HomeStudy Reveals Holiday Travelers Sleep Better In Hotels Than Their HomeIf you thought you were getting better sleep in your own bed during the holidays, think again.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
What Do Iowa Moms REALLY Want for Mother’s Day This Year?What Do Iowa Moms REALLY Want for Mother’s Day This Year?Cards and flowers - those are the standard Mother's Day gifts that people give their moms each year. But what do moms really want?CourtlinCourtlin
Another GREAT Advantage Of Waking Up EarlyAnother GREAT Advantage Of Waking Up EarlyIf this doesn't motivate you to get up and at 'em...I don't know what will!SlaterSlater
Study Finds The Key To Happiness Is SleepStudy Finds The Key To Happiness Is SleepI love catching a few z's as much as the next person and a new survey shows that how much sleep you get can actually lead to how happy you are.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
New Study Reveals The Secret To Remembering Your DreamsNew Study Reveals The Secret To Remembering Your DreamsA study recently revealed the who, why and how of remembering our dreams.Eric StoneEric Stone
New Video Service Will Help You Fall Asleep Fast!New Video Service Will Help You Fall Asleep Fast!Say hello to the new service of boring videos that will help you fall asleep! Say hello to Napflix!Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard