These Are The New Parameters to Define The Perfect Man
Happy Valentine's Day! Are you a single guy who needs to know how to impress women? KDAT evening host John Tesh cited a recent study on his website, mapping out the exact qualities ladies look for in "the perfect man". It's a pretty uphill climb.
There are some sensible requirements, like having a driver's license, being a non-smoker and knowing how to change a tire (does knowing the number to AAA count?). But it gets into even more specific detail as well, to indicate, for example, that the "ideal" man makes exactly $77,000 a year and owns an Audi.
For those who can't meet these benchmarks, there may still be hope. The perfect man, according to the article, also calls his Mom regularly, and would ideally cry at sad movies. It doesn't specify whether the crying needs to be real or if he can get by with faking it.
I need to know (for a friend): are women really this particular when it comes to a man? Are my friend's unfortunate genetic circumstances in being only 5'5" instead of 6'5" going to rule me--uh, my friend--out, in your world? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.
Want more details on the latest study to determine the "perfect man"? Click HERE. For more Intelligence for Your Life, be sure to tune into the John Tesh Radio Show, every Sunday through Friday night from 7 p.m. to Midnight, and Sunday mornings from 8-11 a.m. on 104.5 KDAT.
[Via John Tesh website, AAA Minnesota-Iowa, KDAT]