What’s Something Your Dad Taught You That You’ll Never Forget?
Happy Father's Day weekend! It's time to celebrate dads and remember all of the wonderful things that they've done for us.
Father's Day is a bittersweet holiday for me. I lost my dad when I was only 8-years-old, so I have very few memories of him. But, there are a few that really stick out.
In our short time together, my dad was able to teach me a few things. He was the one who taught me how to ride a two-wheeler. I vividly remember riding my bike up and down the street in my clunky purple helmet with my dad right by my side. I also remember playing a particular video game with him on our Playstation. There was a Disney Hercules game that came out back in 1997, and I used to love sitting with my dad and watching him play. He taught me how to defeat the dreaded Hydra, and for some reason, it will always stick with me.
Brain also learned some important life lessons from his dad:
"My dad taught me the value of hard work. As a farmer, I watched my dad work from sunrise to sunset. He never complained. He just did the work that needed to be done, because he knew that if he didn't do it, it wouldn't get done!"
In honor of Father's Day, we want to hear about the lessons your dad taught you! You can share your stories (please include a photo if you can!) in the comments below. Here are some of the responses we received from listeners on Facebook: