Which Three Cedar Rapids Restaurants Would You Keep?
We have a LOT of awesome restaurants in the Cedar Rapids area. It seems like new ones are opening every week. Imagine if you were told you could only keep three of these many fantastic local establishments forever. It would be a tough choice!
If you had to choose only three Cedar Rapids area restaurants to keep--and had to give up the rest, which three would you choose? We asked and got a lot of responses on Facebook, with a selection of local places.
Tina Louise: Zeppelin's, Daisy's Garage, Emil's Hideaway
Rebecca Burwinkel: Vivian's, Edith Lucille's and Joensy's
Felicia Brooks-Butler: Vivian's, Q-Dog's, Hacienda
Jodi Norsworthy: Q-Dog's, Zeppelins, Daisy’s Garage
Kelly Smith: Lebowski's, Emil's and Leonardo's
Jeanne Hoffpauir: Starlite Room, Joensy’s and Hacienda
Sheryl Carlson Dunshee: Hacienda, Joensys and Daisy's Garage
Amy Lee Dudik: Emil's, Zeppelin's and Q-Dogs
Julie Anderson: Hacienda, Starlite Room, and Leonardo’s
Kim Haugh: Starlite Room, Leonardo's and Zeppelin's
Casie Mulder: Zeppelin's and Emil's for sure.
Karen Kilts: Hacienda, Emil's & Q-Dogs
Sarah McDonald: Hacienda, Joensey’s and Zeppelin's
Brian Smith: Emil’s, Lebowski’s, and Joensy’s
Kris Crank: Q-Dogs, Lebowski's, and Jonesy's
Cathy Munson: Q-Dog's, StarliteRoom, Hacienda
Crystal Webber: Leonardo’s, Joensy's, Whiskey River. Plus at least 3 others, hard to choose.
Indeed it is. We had many more responses we don't have room to post here but please continue sharing your thoughts.