Who is Lindsey Stirling? And When is She Coming to Cedar Rapids?
If you know who Lindsey Stirling is, consider yourself "on top of it". Because chances are, your teens know who she is and they love her.
Lindsey is a prodigious young musician, a classically trained violinist who mixes pop music and dance beats with classical riffs. She is an artistic, talented You Tube sensation with a huge fan base. And she's an inspiration to teens everywhere. Between concerts, recording and video sessions, Lindsey is a motivational speaker, inspiring young adults to be confident, to follow their passions, and to embrace their uniqueness.
Lindsey will be performing Monday night at the McGrath Amphitheater at 7:30 p.m.
That's the day after she appears at some little music festival in Chicago called Lollapalooza.
If the kids in your family would like to see Lindsey, I will have tickets to giveaway at my Billion Automotive remote broadcast on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. I'll be at the Billion KIA dealership at 2845 Mormon Trek Blvd in Iowa City. Stop by and enter to win free tickets to this unique concert experience!
[source McGrath Amphitheater]
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