The Cedar Rapids Jaycees, along with the Cedar Rapids Central Church of Christ, and Cleveland Area Neighborhood Association are hosting "Safe Fest 2019" this weekend.

It's the 1st annual local children's safety fair that runs from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 22 at Cleveland Park in Cedar Rapids. Admission is free but you should look for tents to register when you arrive at Cleveland Park.

At Safe Fest 2019, children and families will be welcome to visit safety stations with information on bicycle safety, stranger danger, poison and drug safety, fire safety, and car seat safety.

In addition, attendees can register for a FREE car seat donated by the Cleveland Area Neighborhood Association, bicycle helmets donated by the Jaycees, Adventureland tickets donated by Central Church of Christ and other prizes.

Mr. Shucks, Sparky from the CR Fire Department, McGruff the Crime Dog and other guests will be there to visit!

A pancake breakfast fundraiser runs through the entirety of the event. Your $5 per person for the pancake breakfast goes towards funding for ADA compliant playground equipment for Cleveland Park and other planned neighborhood projects.

It's going to be a family-friendly great time for a great cause so visit their Facebook event page to learn more!

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