Iowa’s Best Cities For New Year’s Resolutions
The back-to-work blues are hitting us today...hard.
Two weeks of abnormal work schedules, sleep schedules and eating habits that were fun at the time are going to take a toll on us for the next couple of weeks if we're not careful.
If you have a New Year's resolution or two that you've made to combat your recent gluttony, there's some pretty good news, because according to a new study, Iowa has two cities in the nation's Top 100 for keeping your New Year's resolution, according to WalletHub. Their criteria among the 182 cities on their list included resolutions involving health, money, jobs, bad habits and relationships.
The West Coast and its warm weather and highly-populated locales took the Top 5 spots in San Francisco, Scottsdale, San Diego, Seattle and Irvine.
Here in Iowa, Cedar Rapids and Des Moines made this list as well, at #67 and #77, respectively. Good luck keeping YOUR resolution, and we'd LOVE to give some help achieving it. Enter below for a $600 prize pack of gift cards for personal training and fitness supplies from Visa and Dick's Sporting Goods.
[Via WalletHub]