Popular Moving Company Hauls Into Westdale
There's a slight tinge of irony here. The former home of one of the biggest retailers to move out of the area is now a moving company.
The grandiose plans that were unveiled for the "new" Westdale are, for the most part, not coming to fruition, as the old Younkers site at Westdale Town Center is now set to become...a U-Haul hub. The Gazette reports the company has taken up shop at 2800 Williams Blvd. SW. They are currently leasing the site with plans to purchase it and offer a full fleet of trucks and trailers for rent in a climate-controlled facility.
U-Haul of Eastern Iowa president Robert Hampton expects remodeling of the facility for U-Haul's purposes to be completed by the end of summer and to also offer 850 self-storage rooms on two levels.
U-Haul is doing similar revamps to facilities they have purchased in Davenport, Waukee and Rock Island.
The deal on the Westdale property should close within days, said Hampton.
We will keep you updated with more details as they are released.
[Via Gazette]